Sunday, November 05, 2006

Getting better

Well, I feel like whatever was killing my spirit is leaving, I am getting over it, whatever that was. There is an indescribable sadness and feeling of loss, it's mysterious and I don't like to think about how unknown it is to me. What in the world am I going off about?

Eric's birthday came and went, and he really pissed me off again. It is very difficult for me to empathize with a quiet and moody husband. Here is a relationship that needs a lot of work.

I'm knitting more than usual, more than a few hours every night, I'm tired from lack of sleep. OK, I've got a bad case of doldrums and I feel crappy.

Ultimate Frisbee for Shea and Kaden starts tomorrow, yay we love team sports.

I am considering re-joining the local homeschool community, but I am still not into it. There is something I don't like about it, too many classes and planned activities, I am not excited. I need to be excited.

At the library on Friday, there was a free art program.
Here's Shea's still life, this was made in layers and up close all the media are visible. Layer 1 is sketched in pencil. Layer 2 is outlined in fine Sharpie. Layer 3 is pastel.


Blogger kelli said...

Please tell Shea that his picture is beautiful. I LOVE it!

Man, you got an amazing artist there! :)

7:26 AM  
Blogger Petunia Honeysuckle said...

Thanks, I am surprised to get a comment on that picture. ~Shea~

3:31 PM  

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