Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mothership is Landing

Ack, I have avoided writing here, keeping this blog for the kids, but that seems hard and unnatural. I'll switch my plans and write freely now.

On AlwaysLearning, Pam Sorooshian just posted an analogy of Unschooling being like water, jumping in and swimming or getting bashed against rocks, depending on where and when the jumping happens.

I like that analogy, and further imagine a larger system where the big water of unschooling is a refreshing vital force uniting lots of ideas and people [ie Live and Learn Conference]. At my house we adequately fill our needs each day and that would be analogous to having a trickling creek in the backyard, and we have the only backyard creek in the neighborhood, a gift we don't fully appreciate.

My quiet frightened husband scares me, he needs to see others doing similar things as us. That's not happening. Again he's unhappy, it's the same for him since we met, I am not comprehending his problems.


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...


8:27 PM  

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